Monday, 20 July 2015

PDF⋙ Co-Teaching: Strategies to Improve Student Outcomes by Marilyn Friend

Co-Teaching: Strategies to Improve Student Outcomes by Marilyn Friend

Co-Teaching: Strategies to Improve Student Outcomes

Co-Teaching: Strategies to Improve Student Outcomes by Marilyn Friend PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"NOTE : This ASIN is 6 pages Laminated Guide"

Co-teaching is a popular service delivery model for students who are entitled to special education or other specialized services, such as support services for English learners. Evidence shows that the implementation of co-teaching is significantly associated with improved student outcomes. However for co-teaching to be effective, teachers need to thoroughly understand what the arrangement entails and what it takes to make co-teaching work. In this newly released quick-reference laminated guide, Dr. Marilyn Friend, a renowned authority on co-teaching, provides educators with an overview of the fundamental what, why, and how of co-teaching. Topics covered include: Co-teaching and inclusion Co-teaching vs. team teaching Co-teaching vs. paraprofessional Support The role of each co-teacher Elements of successful co-teaching partnerships Instruction in co-taught classrooms/understanding specially designed instruction (SDI) Co-teaching and Common Core Standards (CCSS) Planning for co-teachers Dr. Friend outlines six the following six co-teaching approaches, along with recommended frequency of use and variations for each: 1. One Teach, One Observe 2. Station Teaching 3. Parallel Teaching 4. Alternate Teaching 5. Teaming 6. One Teach, One Assist

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