a.k.a. Breyten Breytenbach: Critical Approaches to his Writings and Paintings (Cross Cultures 75)
a.k.a. Breyten Breytenbach: Critical Approaches to his Writings and Paintings (Cross Cultures 75) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The essays in this volume hold up for scrutiny, in diverse ways, many facets of the artistic output of Breyten Breytenbach, the Afrikaans poet who first became a public figure in apartheid South Africa - his poetry, his fictional and non-fictional prose, his plays, and his painting and drawing. The approaches adopted by the authors of the essays range from the largely theoretical to the more popular forms of the interview and the review. Collectively, they represent a kaleidoscope of approaches, viewpoints and foci; their various critical and analytical colorations make up a timely statement about the centrality of this important artist's creativity, engagement, 'exile' and belongness to a land once impacting under its own contradictions and now experiencing an efflorescence that still harbours the paradoxes that Breytenbach's protean craft uncompromisingly anatomizes. Contributors are: Ampie Coetzee, J.M. Coetzee, Judith Lutge Coullie, Ileana Dimitriu, J.U. Jacobs, Tim Trengove, Jones, Erhard Reckwitz, Sandra Saayman, Marilet Sienaert, Lisbe Smuts, Louise Viljoen, Andries Visagie.From reader reviews:
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