Wednesday 9 March 2016

PDF⋙ Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience

Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience

Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience

Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geoscience PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Concepts and methods of fractal geometry penetrate various branches of human knowledge to an increasing degree. This tendency is particularly striking in the geosciences, because many processes occurring in and on the Earth result in time dependences and spatial patterns that have a fractal character. The contributions in this volume arose from the "3rd International Symposium on Fractals and Dynamic Systems in Geosciences", held at Stara Lesna, Slovakia in June, 1997. The volume contains new ideas and applications of fractal geometry in such diverse branches of geoscience as engineering geology, the physics of the lithosphere (including faulting, seismicity, and fluid flow), and climate behavior.

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