Wednesday 30 March 2016

PDF⋙ Lacrimal Drainage Surgery

Lacrimal Drainage Surgery

Lacrimal Drainage Surgery

Lacrimal Drainage Surgery PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Lacrimal or tearing disorders are among the most common conditions encountered by ophthalmologists. The close relationship between the eyes and the nose demand an interdisciplinary approach to nasolacrimal disorders. This book is a step by step guide to the surgical management of lacrimal disorders. Beginning with an introduction to lacrimal surgery, anatomy and physiology of the lacrimal system, and patient evaluation, the following chapters describe surgical procedures for different disorders. This practical guide is highly illustrated with more than 200 images and diagrams to enhance learning. Key points Step by step guide to lacrimal drainage surgery Detailed explanations of anatomy and physiology of nasolacrimal system Presented with an interdisciplinary approach Includes more than 200 images and illustrations

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