Monday 21 March 2016

PDF⋙ Hansons Half-Marathon Method: Run Your Best Half-Marathon the Hansons Way by Luke Humphrey

Hansons Half-Marathon Method: Run Your Best Half-Marathon the Hansons Way by Luke Humphrey

Hansons Half-Marathon Method: Run Your Best Half-Marathon the Hansons Way

Hansons Half-Marathon Method: Run Your Best Half-Marathon the Hansons Way by Luke Humphrey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Committed runners from all over the world have set new PRs with the Hansons training program--the same approach that has turned Hansons-Brooks Distance Project runners into champions. Now in Hansons Half-Marathon Method, the Hansons-Brooks team shares its unique, winning approach to the popular half-marathon distance. With half-marathon training programs for intermediate and advanced runners, as well as a welcoming Just Finish Program for newer runners, Hansons Half-Marathon Method prepares all athletes for their best performance.

Hansons athlete and coach Luke Humphrey explores the differences between the Hansons method and other training programs and then shows runners how to make the Hansons half-marathon training program their own. He guides runners through choosing the right training plan and offers a practical guide to setting race finish time goals. Humphrey reveals the Hansons approach to precise half-marathon pacing, showing runners how to find their most effective paces for the Hansons SOS ("something of substance" ) workouts--speed, strength, tempo, long, and easy runs. He coaches runners on how to modify the plans to work around busy schedules and missed workouts. He answers frequently asked questions on switching workout days, managing fatigue, incorporating races into training, and adding mileage.

Runners will benefit from the Hansons' advice on finding the best shoes for distance running and their veteran tips on avoiding common stumbling blocks during race week, at the expo, at the start line, and after the race. The Hansons science-based approach to half-marathon pacing, nutrition, and hydration will ensure that runners cross the finish line feeling strong.

Hansons Half-Marathon Method lays out the most effective way to train for a half-marathon, developed by one of the most accomplished running groups in the nation. Using the Hansons way, runners can forge a breakthrough half-marathon performance.

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