Thursday 17 March 2016

PDF⋙ Punitive and Consequential Damages, Including Lost Profits, in a Construction Contract Dispute by Eric M. Zyla

Punitive and Consequential Damages, Including Lost Profits, in a Construction Contract Dispute by Eric M. Zyla

Punitive and Consequential Damages, Including Lost Profits, in a Construction Contract Dispute

Punitive and Consequential Damages, Including Lost Profits, in a Construction Contract Dispute by Eric M. Zyla PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This reprint of a 1996 book examines the legal issues and discusses the case law concerning the availability of consequential damages (including lost profits) and punitive damages in a construction contract dispute. The book first reviews the case law concerning how to measure damages. Thereafter, the book is divided into three general sections: lost profits, other consequential damages, and punitive damages. The narrative is a discussion of the pertinent case law with citations. This book provides information on the law but not legal advice.

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